If you blame a video game for people doing violent acts than you are simply pointing a finger. If some one is so influenced by a video game that they go out and perform violent acts then it becomes obvious that they had hidden violent tendencies. If we try to coddle everyone (who is old enough to play rated M games) than we take one step close to the totalitarianistic governments depicted in syfy novels. I don’t know about anyone else but once I hit 21 I am an (official) adult. Therefore, i should be trusted to make my own decisions. Sure if i mess up my mom will say that she told me so. However, neither she nor the government has the right to restrict things "for my own good."
After all, look what happened with prohibition. It was a hopeless cause. And blocking games (or game content) will simply be avoiding the major issue. Violence comes from the people by the people and has been there since before we were called people.
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